
Alicia Renee' Roberts

Alicia Renee’ Roberts has faced her fair share of obstacles but perseveres in the face of adversity and empowers other women to do the same. She has successfully balanced life as a single mom, working in Corporate America, obtaining an MBA, and serving her community through church work and as a member of her sorority. Her commitment to helping others achieve their goals inspired her to become a best-selling author, speaker, blogger, and certified confidence and inner healing coach. 

In 2020, she founded The Confident Lily, a personal development company that equips women all over the world to heal and find their personal power. Through a combination of faith and practical tools, Alicia Renee’ helps women heal from the relationship heartbreak and emotional exhaustion that is keeping them stuck, unfulfilled, and lacking confidence. 

Find out more at: www.confidentlily.com
